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Many advantages from resconstructing in Säffle

Increased production capacity, better work environment and decreased use of fossil fuels. These are some of the effects of the investment in the Säffle production plant. Anna Jansson, line manager, talks about the successful production transition.

The production plant in Säffle produces PFAS-free greaseproof paper that is sold all around the world. Around 180 people work here. In 2021 Nordic Paper invested in a new pulper and, in connection with this investment, discontinued its own pulp mill operations. The transition means that paper pulp can be purchased externally, mixed with water in a pulper in just one location and then distributed to the Company’s paper machines.

Anna Jansson is the line manager with responsibility for paper production operations. She tells us that the transition was preceded by a thorough quality evaluation.

“We tested this for a year and a half to ensure the quality of the paper would be maintained when we switched from producing pulp ourselves to sourcing it externally,” says Anna, and continues: “The new pulper gives us higher output of pulp suspension and a better refining. The fibres can be stored for longer and also provide better quality paper.” The investment results in a production capacity increase by ten percent.

“Now we are ready for year-round operation,” says Anna. “We’re adding a shift team in April.” Anna points out that all of the employees have helped out and worked together to ensure a successful transition. “They are very proud of our products and it’s been fantastic to see everyone working together to make this transition a success.” Having the pulp bale handling process in a separate facility adapted for this specific type of production is also positive from a work environment perspective.

The transition to purchasing paper pulp also means less handling of chemicals at Säffle, which in turn will improve safety for the employees. Discontinuing the pulp mill has also reduced the amount of fossil fuels used. Large investments like this recent one are, of course, not the only steps being taken to future-proof the business: a constant focus on improvement is just as important.

“We are always looking at ways to be better – to increase production capacity, reduce environmental impact and improve the work environment,” Anna concludes.