iamKraft SemiLite®

NP Sack / MF kraft papers are approved for food contact in compliance with BfR and FDA and fulfils the standard for compostable and biodegradable packaging - EN 13432. It can also be recycled with carton-board, into new packaging products.
We produce sack/MF kraft paper which are among the strongest in the world, and the strength of our iamKraft® sack paper allows you to reduce the amount of packaging required. Thanks to our flexible production processes, you can have almost any combination of extensibility, porosity and wet strength.
The development of sacks and sack paper has a history of the same age as our mills. The original US. Patent 47376 for square bottom paper sacks is slightly older than Nordic Paper Bäckhammar mill and the US. patent 623199 for valve sacks is slightly younger. And all this time we have produced the paper to produce the sacks.
Bäckhammar pulp and paper mill has produced paper since 1871. It is now focusing on niche grades of unbleached Sack, MF and MG kraft papers, as well as special end use adaptions of these grades. The mill is situated in the south-eastern part of the Swedish province Wermland. As a part of Nordic Paper, the Bäckhammar pulp and paper mill is certified ISO9001, FSC® (FSC-C102767) and PEFC (PEFC/05-33-213).
Nordic Paper is a group with very deep roots into the Nordic paper making history, producing pulp and paper since 1871. The production of our 100% virgin fibre, kraft pulp is based on wood from local, sustainable forests and is supplying both kraft paper mills in the group.